Black Motherhood In America

Findings based on Motherly’s Annual State of Motherhod Report, 2022

The state of black motherhood in America demands urgent attention! It's a complex and deeply rooted issue that has been plagued by systemic racism, poverty, and discrimination for far too long.

Motherly’s special State of Motherhood report on Black Mothering in America (2022) breaks down many of the unique challenges faced by black moms and highlights the need for systemic change to address racial biases.

Advocating for Black mother's rights is essential because they are often overlooked and marginalized in society. Black moms face many challenges and obstacles in their journey to birth and raise their children, and these challenges can have a significant impact on their physical, emotional, and mental well-being.

Black mothers experience a disproportionate amount of maternal mortality, infant mortality, and maternal morbidity compared to white mothers. Black women are also more likely to experience complications during pregnancy and childbirth due to factors such as racism, poverty, and inadequate healthcare access.

One of the most alarming statistics is that black mothers are three to four times more likely to die from childbirth than their white counterparts. This is a result of systemic and institutional racism that has plagued America for centuries. It's time for us to take a stand and demand change to ensure the safety and well-being of black mothers.

The report also reveals that black mothers are more likely to be the head of the household but less likely to have a partner to share the load. This is a significant burden for black mothers who are already facing many other challenges.

Black mothers often face the double burden of racism and sexism in the workplace, making it difficult for them to succeed and advance in their careers. The motherhood penalty, in the form of lower pay, fewer opportunities for advancement, and negative perceptions from coworkers and employers, is more severe for black mothers. This can lead to difficult choices between their jobs and their families.

Another area where black mothers struggle is in finding reliable and affordable childcare. The cost of childcare can take up a significant portion of a family's income. Black mothers are more likely to cite lack of reliability as a reason for dissatisfaction with their childcare situation. This is a burden that could be addressed with policies that support universal childcare.

Finally, the report highlights that younger black mothers are more likely to breastfeed than the previous generation, but mistrust in healthcare is still a concern. Black mothers are more likely to feel satisfied with their care when cared for by black midwives and doctors. This underscores the need for more diversity in the healthcare profession and better access to black birth providers.

As a mother and advocate for mother's rights, I stress the importance to take immediate action to support black mothers. We need to demand change from policymakers and work to create a society that is inclusive and supportive of all mothers and all types of families. Together, we can create a better future for black mothers and their children.

Mama’s Got Mojo